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SafeNow Bio-Stain, Pump Spray-09/01/2013-Old Product


Products in this Consumer Product Information Database (CPID) are classified based on their composition:
Substances: single chemicals
Preparations: products which contain chemicals that can be easily separated during normal use
Articles: products or product assemblies that do not contain chemicals that can be separated out from the product or assembly under normal or advertised use.



Indicates country where product is sold.

Brand Information
Date entered: February 03, 2015

SafeNow Bio-Stain, Pump Spray is a laundry stain treatment for use on pet stains, carpets, drapes, towels, car fabrics.

Purpose of product.

Stain and spot remover.

Structure such as solid, liquid, aerosol etc.

pump spray
Customer Service No: 800-235-6009
Manufacturer Information

Date when validity of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) was last verified.

Date verified: February 13, 2024
SafeNow Products, Inc.

1805 Ferro Road  
New Lenox IL 60451

815-723-0898 815-723-2760
800-235-6009 (TOLL FREE)